UDialogue - Mar 2015
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Our Server Co-location service offers
 ISO27001 & Tier III+ Standard Data Centers located in HK, Kowloon and N.T. ~
 1 Gigabit network port~
 FREE MRTG (Multi Router Traffic Grapher) report
 Dedicated IP address
 DDoS Mitigation service & dedicated bandwidth available
and so on.

We commit 
 3 working days move-in guarantee
 99.99% uptime guarantee


Until 31 Mar 2015, enjoy 5% discount on Sever Co-location service, as low as $855/mth*.

Call us at (852) 2554 7545 or fill-in below form to experience our high speed, stable and value for money Server Co-location service.

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~ The highest standard among 4 data centers
* Monthly fee varies for different data centers. A 12-month advance payment is required. Terms and conditions apply.
Data encryption technology is not that expensive as you thought now.  It costs ONLY $500/year to protect online transaction and customer data.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate is the most trusted security technology to encrypt browser-to-server transactions through HTTPS. It is available for PC, mobile and tablet, supported by most of the web browsers. In addition, data encrypted website can get higher rank in Google search.

Good News!  All SSL Certificates offered by UDomain include a warranty up to US$10,000 liability protection.


Apply NOW by completing below form or call us at (852) 2554 7545.

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Tel/Mobile :
Email :
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Starting from April 2015, 3 minibuses with UDomain advertisement will serve you around Hong Kong.

To cope with UDomain’s new brand image, the minibus body advertisement is full of vitality and enthusiasm. In addition, it highlights “UDomain – Expert in Cloud Hosting”.


You can also win Starbucks vouchers by staying tuned for more on our facebook.