2016 Sep UDialogue
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Scam: Fake Promotion Sites Spread via WhatsApp/ Instagram (IG)
The scam works relatively simple. Send messages to WhatsApp/ IG users with a link that redirects them to a fake website which normally shows “Take 1 minute survey to get a HKD500 Voucher” from well-known brands.  To benefit from the deal and lack of risk awareness, the users complete the fake questionnaire resulting in leakage of personal data or download Malware.

How to Distinguish a REAL Advertising Promotion?
Pay extra attention on URLs of promotion websites.
Domain name of company or brand name will be shown precisely.
Example: Real promotion URL will show wellcome.com.hk instead of wellcome.sweep-promos.com.
• For the promotion purpose, the URL may have "promotions" wordings instead of “swinklr” as below case.
• Before inputting any personal data, ensure the website page has data encryption protection (i.e. SSL Certicate), that means “https” and “green lock” icon displayed in the browser interface.


Real (Left) / Fake (Right) Sites

Smart Tip: Don’t be greedy.
For more cyber security tips, please pay attention on next issue of UDialogue, call us at (852) 2554 7545 or fill-in below form. 

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It was reported that a creepy site linked to over 10,000 unsecured Webcams around the world while 42 links located in Hong Kong. Last month, a London artist used featuring images captured from HK unprotected webcams in an UK Art Exhibition.
CCTV and Webcams are internet-connected and have cyber security vulnerabilities. Private images or videos may be easily exposed to public viewing on the internet.
TIPSHow to protect your privacy?
  • Choose network cameras with data encryption (e.g. Secure Sockets Layer SSL);
  • Change your password regularly and use a strong password (incl. text and digits); 
  • Turn off network cameras or use colored adhesive tape to cover the lens when they are not in use; 
  • Update software regularly; and 
  • Properly set security and privacy settings.  

For more tips, call us at (852) 2554 7545 or complete below form.

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